Cleveland Crokinole Club

Welcome to the Internet home of the
Cleveland Crokinole Club!  

We are here to give devotees of the round board a place to meet, play, and learn about the greatest flickin' game on earth!

BREAKING NEWS:  Meeting dates have changed! We meet on the second and fourth Mondays at Schnitz Ale Brewery, 5726 Pearl Road, Parma, just north of Snow Road.  It's a great place with friendly people, good food and great beer!  Play begins at 7:00 in their upstairs room.  Come earlier to enjoy dinner!

Please remember to check back here often, as new meetings or other events may be added.

Do you want to get club news as fast as possible?  Join the Cleveland Crokinole Club E-mail list!  Just send an E-mail to!  You will get E-mail messages with the latest club news and events as soon as possible.  (We promise not to flood your inbox.)  If you have any news or questions you want to let us know, just send an E-mail to, and we'll all get your message.

You can also get news by following us on Facebook:

Cleveland Crokinole Club is sponsored by
Refuge Gaming